Admission to the Master’s degree Study Programme

Admission to the Master’s degree Study Programme in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology is subject to evaluation of the candidate’s suitability, according to specific eligibility criteria based on curricular requirements and on the assessment the adequacy of the student’s preparation.

As for the first requirement, Ministry Decree 270 establishes that for admission to the Master’s degree in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology, as for all other degree programmes, candidates should hold a Bachelor’s degree or a University Diploma of the duration of three years (or a higher qualification, i.e. Master’s degree or a five-year degree), or other qualifications obtained abroad recognized as equivalent. The assessment can also be made for students of Bachelor’s degree programmes of Politecnico di Milano, if enrolled in the immediately following graduation session, and for students of Bachelor’s degree programmes of other universities, if the graduation is expected before enrollment in the Master’s degree programme.

From the point of view of the topics, for admission candidates should possess an adequate preparation both in the basic disciplines (mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.), and in those characterizing materials engineering, nanotechnologies and industrial engineering. In case of admission, constraints in curricular choices (the so-called additional education obligations) – if applicable – will be communicated together with the positive evaluation and before enrollment, so as to provide in a transparent manner sufficient and adequate information needed for a rational choice of study plans.

Admission to the Master’s degree will be approved by an Admission Evaluation Commission set up for this purpose by the Study Programme Board, which will base its evaluation on the analysis of the academic career of the candidate.

Detailed information on the minimum requirements and admission procedures are described in paragraph 6 of the Educational Rules of the Master’s degree Study Programme in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology.

Master’s degree Admission Evaluation Commission

Prof. Luca Andena
Prof. Luca AndenaDepartment of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Person in charge – Admissions of Italian students
Prof.ssa Claudia Marano
Prof.ssa Claudia MaranoDepartment of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Person in charge – Admissions of foreign students
Prof. Gianmarco Griffini
Prof. Gianmarco GriffiniDepartment of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Person in charge – Admissions of foreign students